Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hmmm, so making hexagons 3d?

So to face my dilemma, I need to take my hexagons into 3 dimensional space. Then make them fluid and organic from there. How do you make hexagons 3 dimensional? well the easiest answer that comes to mind is a soccer ball. Although I really, really don't like the relationship of my project and a soccer ball. But to face reality that is what it is.

If you get creative and make some hexagons you can play with you will soon realize you can not make a flexible/curving surface out of them. They are too rigid. If you look closer at a soccer ball you will find it is made up of not just hexagons but pentagons as well, which makes complete sense once you break it down. The 5 sided figure allows the 6 sided figures to bend and as long as all sides are equal dimensions this relationship carries on around the sphere, which for this project and representation is where I would like to go.

Chip-Board study model of polygonal sphere(inscribed lines have no meaning, my oops)

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