Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Slice it up

Starting the semester I knew I wanted to look into the sectional qualities of fruits and vegetables. This started one evening standing in the kitchen (insert dreamy Hollywood flashback music) making a salad. I cut a cucumber and noticed the symmetry that takes place in a sectional cut. If you stare long enough it gets pretty intense. (end dreamy flashback) So using this logic I began looking farther into the sectional properties of other fruits and vegetables. What I found was a wide array of specimen that when cut in a sectional manner present a polygonal format to the seed pod arrangement. The image attached helps to define a visual on a few of these findings.

1 comment:

  1. Forgot to mention, the dates on these following few posts is actually post review but I will try and write them in chronological order up to the mid-review post.
