Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mid - Review

Here is my Mid-Review (meaning MIDTERM, halfway through the semester) materials. The form is obviously (by reading posts) generated through the use of digital project. Alterations are based on a single paramater. Varying this one input number allows the formulated changes to adjust the outcome.

Criteria for the presentation were 5 startch models, an animation, drawings, process work, sketches, etc.

Model Renderings were supposed to take place in Rhino 3d using Vray. Once again, just like last semester, Vray and I didn't get along. So after half a dozen software crashes, one instance of running out of memory during the render and who knows what other demons that live inside this gray box of plastic and silicon. I didn't have any pretty renderings.

Although my printed models were sweet.

The video is pretty slow so you might want to skip a couple times, the second half is faster.

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